This converter helps to transform the content of JSON file to Excel online and saves the result in .xlsx or .xls format.
This converter helps to transform the content of JSON file to Excel online and saves the result in .xlsx or .xls format.
It is difficult to read and comprehend JSON even though it is a text format. Our service can assist in this case by converting JSON into Excel table. As a result, it becomes easy to read, understand and do required data manipulations like filtering and applying formulas.
JavaScript Object Notation is the full meaning of JSON. This is a text document that can be created in any text editor. It is a popular text-based technique for presenting structured data in JavaScript object syntax.
All kinds of JSON files can be exported to Excel format with the use of our converter.
Follow the steps listed below to use our converter:
1. Upload the file
2. Click on the 'Run Conversion' button
3. Download the transformed file
The size of the file determines how long it will take to convert JSON to Excel online; usually the conversion is quite easy to perform and does not take much time.
Yes, it is safe. All documents uploaded to our services are encrypted with the use of the best advanced encryption technology and deleted after 24 hours.